Artefactus Cultural Project
Taller de Teatro Físico Estrategias Creativas del Intérprete Escénico.

Physical Theatre Workshop: “Creative strategies of the stage performer”, taught by Alberto Menéndez García.

Date: October 8, 2023.

Time: from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The workshop will consist of four modules that will be addressed in three hours of work (from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.).

1. Physical training, understood more as a functional path to body expressiveness than as calisthenics for body conditioning.

2. The body on stage, based on some elements proposed by Anne Bogart in her scenic points of view (tempo, body shape, repetition, kinetic response and spatial relationships).

3. Playful corporality (which is the work with the obstacle as a “new form of the body” in pre-expressive development).

4. Eye contact (disalienation and awareness of the gaze in working with the body).

Alberto Menéndez García is a director, actor and teacher of theatre and audiovisuals. He has specialised in physical theatre and dance theatre. He has a Master’s degree in Performing Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid (URJC). He has a degree in Audiovisual Communication, directing profile, from the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana. He has a degree in Theatre Pedagogy from the National School of Art (ENIT).

Limited places.

Imágenes del Evento

Physical Theatre Workshop: Creative strategies for stage performers

Fechas :
8 de octubre de 2023

Precio :

Fecha de funciones

Sun 8 October , 2023
2:00 pm
Artefactus Cultural Project

Free Admission

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