Artefactus Cultural Project

The program Authors presents the young writer Carlos Ramos Gutiérrez, accompanied by the journalist Alexis Boentes, the plastic artist Yunier Gómez Torres and the actress Elizabeth San Miguel. They will talk about his creations and, especially, the book “Del vacío que te quiebra”, a collection of poems that approaches classical metric structures, specifically the décima and the sonnet, from a contemporary vision. Without completely disdaining free verse or experimentation in favor of creative freedom and one’s own poetic voice. It addresses universal themes such as identity, love and death, the loss of a loved one, the loneliness of the poet in the face of a universe that will never be completely knowable, Augustinian and Cartesian doubt; doubt again. And fear: of dire omens, fear of death, of inconsequentiality. The bad plays of destiny, bad fortune, adverse fate. The reader will find in these pages references that range from The Bible to contemporary authors such as Fina García Marruz or Waldo Leyva, through classics of universal literature including Saint Augustine, Federico García Lorca, William Butler Yeats… among others.
This is a collection of poems that aims to revisit well-known stanzas (tenth, sonnet, quatrains…), sometimes breaking certain formal norms in relation to their structure, and alternating them at times with free verse.

Imágenes del Evento

Del vacío que te quiebra – Carlos Ramos Gutiérrez

Fechas :
29 de enero de 2022

Precio :

Fecha de funciones

Sat 1 January , 2022
8:30 pm
Artefactus Cultural Center

Free Admission

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