Artefactus Cultural Project

Other Programs

Theater and other performing arts

Visual arts

Theater and other performing arts

Theater and other performing arts

Theater and other performing arts

Professional Theater

Teatro Profesional

Founded in June 2009 to stage works by classic and contemporary authors that address issues related to women, family, migration, environmental pollution, and social inclusion. Through a careful selection of productions, this project not only seeks to entertain the public, but also generates meaningful reflections and dialogues. In this way, it is intended to enrich the theatrical experience and promote the understanding of relevant issues in our contemporary society.

Program events

Select Season

From June 25 to 28, 2009

From March 27 to April 11, 2010

From September 11 to October 31, 2010

From June 17 to July 3, 2011

From May 23 to June 7, 2015

From March 4 to 27 and from July 1 to 15, 2016

December 03, 2016

December 4 and 8, 2016

From March 04 to June 03, 2017

From March 24 to April 16, 2017

July and August 2017

From February 10 to 26, 2023

From February 16 to 25, 2024