The Lion and the Tamer
The Lion and the Tamer by Antonio Orlando Rodríguez “The Lion and the Tamer”, a play by Antonio Orlando Rodríguez with the performances of Mabel Roch, Juan David Ferrer and the musical interpretation of Yamilé Pedro on the cello. In the words of Dainerys Machado, this work, “a daughter of the Caribbean theater of the […]
Leyendas Negras
The play Black Legends, by Eddy Díaz-Souza, was born from the careful reading of four of Lydia Cabrera’s works: Black Stories from Cuba, Why… Black Stories from Cuba, Stories for Adults, Children and the Mentally Retarded, and Superstitions and good advice.
You Always Forget Something by Virgilio Piñera
Story Dinner 2: “One word, after another word…”
Approaching the work of the famous Canadian writer Margaret Atwood (Ottawa, 1939) could be compared to the practice of a tightrope walker, in which the freedom and complacency of the journey are not without risk. This has been the premise that the actors Miriam Bermúdez, Belkis Proenza, Oneysis Valido, José Luis Pérez, Arsenio Díaz in […]